Stretch and Sprint

sprintsTake yourself through the usualwarmups



Work on mobility and flexibility. Focus today is on the Upper legs and hips (Upper legs in the tutorial section)



Suicides – mark out on the ground lines at 5m, 10m, 15m, 20m, 25m and 30m

From the start point sprint out and touch the 5m mark then back, then the 10 and back, then the 15 etc, etc until you get up to 30 and back. Then rest for 90 secs. Repeat 5 times.



Try this Grounding Yoga practice from YogaYak.

As always if you have any questions on todays activity post them on the Tengeri Natural Fitness Facebook page or email us at

The Hunted

IMG_0393.r1.low-resYou’re tired. You’re cold. You’re hungry. Something is out there chasing you, hunting you. If it catches you, you’re finished. Silence will keep you hidden for only so long, eventually you’re going to have to run and when then time comes, you better be ready.

Today’s activity is all about mimicking some of the movements that ancient man would have had to perform in order to survive, specifically – escaping.

As today’s session will possibly be taking you through some rough terrain, remember to be careful and cognisant of your surrounding, especially with your foot placement.

Start off with going through the usual warmups, but on top of that practice stalking through the animal movements of quadrupedal movement, duck walk and monkey crawl (25-50m of each movement).

Part 1 – Silent movement

Find a stretch a bush that you can stalk through. If you have a partner, get one person to remain stationary in one spot with their eyes closed while the other person attempts to stalk up on them without being heard.  Try 3-4 attempts each or if you’re by yourself, just try stalking as silently as possible over a 30-50m stretch

Part 2 – Discovery

From a stalking or hidden position, pretend that you have been discovered. It’s up to you to escape and evade now. Jump up from your spot and sprint away (as fast as you feel comfortable with, If you’re inexperienced don’t run too fast on trails or through the bush). Try to vary your path, speed and utilise objects to move over/under. Continue this for about 10-15 minutes

Part 3 – Escape

Once you’ve evaded you now need to hide. Find a tree and practice climbing.

As always if you have any questions on todays activity post them on the Tengeri Natural Fitness Facebook page or email us at

Plyo and Yoga

will box jumpTake yourself through the usual warmups



Skipping, jump returns, depth jumps

Skipping – not the kind with a rope though. What I’m referring to here when I say skipping is taking a step and driving your knee into the air whilst jumping off the ground with the other foot. As you come down land on the same foot as you took off on, then quickly swap legs and do the same on the other side. What you’re trying to achieve is to get as high off the ground as possible. Practice 30 skips on each side.

Jump Returns – Pick a target that you can jump up and touch with some effort. Jump returns are simply that – you jump up and touch the target then as you land you immediately go into another jump to touch the target again. Practice by doing 1 Jump return (2 jumps in a row), then do 3 jumps in row, then 4. Go through this cycle 5 times.

Depth Jump – Depth jump is simply falling from an elevated position and upon landing jumping out as high and far as you can. Find a park bench or something of similar height and if possible have the final landing area on grass or sand. Step off the elevated platform and quickly bring your feet together before you land. As you land absorb the shock through the legs in squatting motion, then immediately spring back up and leap as high and as far as you can. Be sure to also concentrate on absorbing the shock on landing as well. Perform this 10 times



Try this 45 min intermediate yoga practice from YogaYak.



5 rounds of: 20m Skipping, 10 jump returns, 10 depth jumps

As always if you have any questions on todays activity post them on the Tengeri Natural Fitness Facebook page or email us at

Lift Some Stuff – Metcon

lifting low resTake yourself through the usual warmups



Basic technique work – Log and rock lifts and throws

Using a broom handle or similar long stick or pole, work on the technique for the Deadlift, Clean, Squat and Press. If possible try to do the technique in front of a mirror or a friend who can critique your form.

Once you have practiced these movements for about 15 mins, try doing them with either a lightly weighted bar, kettlebell or rock.



3 rounds of:  10 X Rock Clean & Presses, 20m walk with rock, Rock throws back to the start



5 rounds of: 10 X Rock Clean & Presses, 40m walk with rock, Rock throws back to the start

As always if you have any questions on todays activity post them on the Tengeri Natural Fitness Facebook page or email us at


Yoga, Plyo, Play

alex precisionBeginner


Try this 45 min yoga practice from YogaYak.



Skipping, jump returns, depth jumps

Skipping – not the kind with a rope though. What I’m referring to here when I say skipping is taking a step and driving your knee into the air whilst jumping off the ground with the other foot. As you come down land on the same foot as you took off on, then quickly swap legs and do the same on the other side. What you’re trying to achieve is to get as high off the ground as possible.

Jump Returns – Pick a target that you can jump up and touch with some effort. Jump returns are simply that – you jump up and touch the target then as you land you immediately go into another jump to touch the target again.

Depth Jump – Depth jump is simply falling from an elevated position and upon landing jumping out as high and far as you can. Find a park bench or something of similar height and if possible have the final landing area on grass or sand. Step off the elevated platform and quickly bring your feet together before you land. As you land absorb the shock through the legs in squatting motion, then immediately spring back up and leap as high and as far as you can. Be sure to also concentrate on absorbing the shock on landing as well.

3 rounds of: 20m Skipping, 10 jump returns, 10 depth jumps


Free Play:

The point of free play sessions is to explore, move and discover. Think of how children play, with no regard of what people think. Use you imagination. There are no rules here, just feel free to do what ever you want. Balance walk across a log, jump from boulder to boulder, chase and wrestle with your dog or kids, do handstands and cartwheels, climb a tree, jump in some puddles – whatever ever comes to mind and what ever is at hand. Start to see your surroundings as opportunities to move.

As always if you have any questions on todays activity post them on the Tengeri Natural Fitness Facebook page or email us at


Run, Lift, Stretch

IMG_0441-LR01Take yourself through the usual warmups



5 min jog

3 min walk

5 min jog

3 min walk

5 min jog



Practice your lifting and throwing technique utilising logs and rocks.

Perform a circuit of: 3 rounds of 10 Log lifts and rock throws



Work on mobility and flexibility. Take yourself through the entire routine today

As always if you have any questions on todays activity post them on the Tengeri Natural Fitness Facebook page or email us at

Urban Movement

IMG_1284 low resBeginner

Climb ups: Climb ups are used to get yourself up and over a wall, wether that be from a hanging start or running start. Today, practice the basic technique for climb ups. Once you start to get the hang of it, try going from a wall hang up to climb up and back down a few times in a row


Practice the basic technique for climb ups and once you feel confident with it move onto the advanced technique. Practice this for about 10 minutes before moving onto Arm Jumps (or Saut de bras) If you feel confident enough to do so.


Practice both the basic technique for climb ups and the advanced technique as well as Arm Jumps (or Saut de bras). Once you’ve practiced them separately, link the techniques together to perform a few in a row without stopping.

As always if you have any questions on todays activity post them on the Tengeri Natural Fitness Facebook page or email us at


IMG_1079_low resTake yourself through the usual warmups 


Sprint 50m then jog backwards as the rest between sets. Repeat 5 times


6 X Forward Sprints 75m/Backwards Run back

For an extra challenge try a few of the sprints with a stick or rock in hand


8 X Forwards Sprints 75m/Backwards Run back

Do at least the last 4 sprints with a stick or rock in hand

As always if you have any questions on todays activity post them on the Tengeri Natural Fitness Facebook page or email us at